Home compostable packaging
Home compostable packaging
The accumulating waste and environment pollution are some of the wold’s biggest problem today. Using biodegradable material the volume of the produced waste can be reduced. With the use of biodegradable packaging in the Short Food Supply Chains, people, who care and are aware of environmental protection, are a special customer layer of the consumer society.
Local food packaged in bioplastic-based packaging ensures added value for the products. The packaging under adjusted conditions are compostable in the garden at home as well. Buying biodegradable “green packaged” products is a trend nowadays. The meaning “bioplastic” includes materials that are either bio-based or
biodegradable or both. A bioplastic could be biodegradable without being biosourced, bio-sourced without being biodegradable or bio-sourced and biodegradable. We have to distinguish biodegradability in natural conditions (able to be composted at home) and biodegradability in industrial conditions (controlled conditions). Home compostable packaging is biodegradable in home conditions.