Natuurlijk Vleespakket Webshop
Natuurlijk Vleespakket Webshop
The NV runs its own webshop (B2C) and supplies restaurants (B2B) as well. Its main target group is Flexitarians, people who eat less but better meat, and be aware of the origin of the meat. VN was the first ones, introducing sales of all meat products separately on their webshop, instead of prefixed packages. NV's webshop is built in woocommerce, there are a lot of plugins available to automate work, as mgmt. reports, stock and sales overviews, and automated targeted emails (Mailchimp). Quite some manual work needs to be done to track sales and stock situation today. The challenge is to implement an automated actual stock control program supporting the sales of 2 separate webshop, and 1 shared stock location. NV developed an Excel based monthly report system, to see the sales development year to year split in B2C and B2B.