Qualivita project
Qualivita project
Italian agri-food products are a great heritage of Italian national identity, hand in hand with rich culture, landscape and art. An ancient cultural heritage and huge economic resource that needs to be protected and valorized. Sensitive towards the defense and dissemination of rural culture, Qualivita’s priority has forever been to valorize the quality food sector, and therefore PDO, PGI and TSG products, through its various activities. Qualivita Editions is a unique multi-language editorial project designed to promote and valorise the Italian and European certified quality agri-food system. The publications and multimedia projects regarding PDO, PGI and TSG products are based on an ‘ad hoc’ format that is adapted for each educational version and for operators in the sector, thereby reaching a wider target audience made up of a general public that is interested in the different aspects of quality food. The Qualivita Editions are divided into various series: Atlas Series, Guide Series, Notebook Series and Digital Editions.